Posts tagged anxiety
A Conversation with Betsey Moe

How do you approach the preaching task during a season of anxiety?

Betsey: I try to be as honest as possible with myself about what I feel anxious about and what I hear others are anxious about and not be afraid to give voice to it. When I read and study a text, I think, "Where does the rubber hit the road here? If I were in a pew, what thoughts would I have going through my mind as I came to church and then as I heard this scripture passage read?"

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"Being the Body"— A Sermon for Anxious Times

What the people at Lord of Life are finding is that in unsettled times, when the future is largely unknown, it’s hard to figure out how to be the Body of Christ. They can all pretend that they’re going along with business as usual, but underneath the surface, there is grief and anxiety right alongside hope and anticipation.

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