Posts tagged church leadership
Here is Your Key

In this letter (Paul's letter to the Philippians), we see how close they (Paul and Timothy) are. In fact, Paul gives Timothy quite a compliment.  He says that Timothy is Christ-focused. His concern is, what does the Lord want rather than what can he get out of the deal. Paul says that that is so rare. He says, “I have no one like him.”  Most folks are focused on their own interests rather than Jesus Christ.

And that is my first stop off in this message: Is that you? Are you that kind of rare person?  Would someone watching what you do in a day or in a week say, “That man or that woman cares about what the Lord wants.”?

Sometimes we forget that the true goal of all of this is that we are being transformed, that we are becoming that kind of person. 

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8 Ideas for Churches Seeking an Pastor
  1. Write a thoughtful job description outlining the desired leadership traits you are looking for: pastoral care, teaching gifts, conflict management and resolution skills, etc. Be prepared to articulate these traits clearly in the interview and explain why each is necessary. 

  2. Record online conversations and interviews—always ask for the candidate’s consent before doing this. When talking to many people, it's easy to forget details, take incomplete notes, or come away with differing opinions, so a recording provides a way to go back and replay the conversation later. It is also a helpful resource to share with others who did not participate in the original call.

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If you don't make somebody mad...

Of all the advice I’ve gotten about transitional ministry, the words of a Presbyterian Exec still makes me smile: If you don’t make somebody MAD, you’re not doing your job! Maybe she was trying to impress on me that it was more important to help a church clean up log jams to provide an open stream for their next pastor than it was for them to like me.

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A Conversation with Betsey Moe

How do you approach the preaching task during a season of anxiety?

Betsey: I try to be as honest as possible with myself about what I feel anxious about and what I hear others are anxious about and not be afraid to give voice to it. When I read and study a text, I think, "Where does the rubber hit the road here? If I were in a pew, what thoughts would I have going through my mind as I came to church and then as I heard this scripture passage read?"

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"Being the Body"— A Sermon for Anxious Times

What the people at Lord of Life are finding is that in unsettled times, when the future is largely unknown, it’s hard to figure out how to be the Body of Christ. They can all pretend that they’re going along with business as usual, but underneath the surface, there is grief and anxiety right alongside hope and anticipation.

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