Posts tagged interviews
A Conversation with Interim Pastor Stuart Bond

Where do you serve as an interim pastor and what drew you there?

Stuart: I serve First Presbyterian Church in Corinth, New York. They seemed to appear on my radar at just the time when I was considering a new call. My sense of them on our phone interview was that they were a faithful bunch who had a sense of humor — an indispensable element if we are going to be able to enjoy life together and move forward.  

How do you approach the preaching task during a season of anxiety?

In some ways, I think we overstate the anxiety.  Perhaps a third of the congregation’s anxiety is...

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8 Ideas for Churches Seeking an Pastor
  1. Write a thoughtful job description outlining the desired leadership traits you are looking for: pastoral care, teaching gifts, conflict management and resolution skills, etc. Be prepared to articulate these traits clearly in the interview and explain why each is necessary. 

  2. Record online conversations and interviews—always ask for the candidate’s consent before doing this. When talking to many people, it's easy to forget details, take incomplete notes, or come away with differing opinions, so a recording provides a way to go back and replay the conversation later. It is also a helpful resource to share with others who did not participate in the original call.

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