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How to Host a Pre-PNC Gathering

If your church is blessed with an abundance of people interested in serving on Pastor Nominating Committee, you may wish to host an event open to all interested parties.


  • Curate an interesting panel of speakers. Include a liaison from the Presbytery and variety of people who have recently served on a PNC.

  • Create a handout including FAQ (see suggestions below), a discernment process, and deadline for response.

  • Publish event highlights.

Sample FAQs

What is the task of a PNC?

The Presbyterian (PC USA) Book of Order states the single task of a PNC is to nominate a person to be called by your congregation as its pastor.

To whom is the PNC responsible?

The PNC, elected by the congregation is responsible to the congregation, which will ultimately elect its next pastor.

But I thought the Session was the “governing body” for our church?

Yes, the session is governing body of a church, but the congregation calls its pastor[s].

Who elects the PNC?

The congregation elects the PNC. The Session recommends the size of the PNC and may also serve as the nominating body to develop a slate of nominees for election by the congregation.

How much time will serving on a PNC involve?

This is the most important task you will probably be called upon to do in the life of your church. Most PNCs meet weekly. In addition, members are expected to read Personal Information Form (PIF) of applicants, watch sermons, do background checks, and hear them preach in neutral pulpits.

How long will it take us to find a new Minister?

No one is sure. Most churches take about 12 to 18 months. A few take more or less time.

What help will the PNC get?

A lot! The presbytery appoints a member of the Commission on Ministry to work with the PNC. The Presbytery Executive stands ready to lend their expertise. Consultants sometimes work with PNC’s to help align the work of the PNC with the congregation’s needs and desires.

Should I accept this important assignment?

Only you can make that decision. However, consider that you are being asked because others in your church think you can effectively serve in this way.

A Sample Discernment Process

Please take the next few days for personal prayer and reflection to discern if this is the right time for you to serve on a PNC.

  • Consider the call of Abraham in Genesis 12:1-9. Like Abraham, ask God to make your sense of call clear to you personally over these next few days.

  • Consider the call of Esther in Esther 4:1-17. Like Esther, ask God if serving on this PNC is something to which you may be uniquely called to do.

  • Consider the call of Jesus’ disciples told in Matthew 4:18-22. As you follow Jesus and join in the church’s mission to make disciples (fish for people) pray for God’s guidance.

Also talk with your family about your interest in serving on the PNC. Seek feedback. Ask some friends to pray with you about this decision. Listen to their input. Consider what commitments may need to take a ‘second seat’.

Hosting a Pre-PNC gathering creates an atmosphere of open dialogue about process, expectations, and hoped for outcomes.