Interim by Design

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...Pause & Paint...

“And hope sprouts new, because God doesn’t give us a list. He invites us into the story.”  — Emily P. Freeman / A million little ways.

During this season of Lent, I have been reflecting on the art of pausing. 

I recently moved back to the United States and started a new job. In this time of transition, it is easy for days and weeks to quickly pass by. Acknowledging the gift of a daily (or weekly) pause, I started to notice what I am drawn to in times of stillness. Most recently I have found that painting is my favorite activity. 

I enjoy the practice of painting and the space it provides to process and reflect. I might find myself painting a scene from nature, or mixing colors to paint repeating patterns. When I am journaling and find that I cannot come up with my own words, I paint prayers and quotes from books I am reading. Discussing the grace of God and what he has in store for us, I found Emily Freeman's quote to be both freeing and encouraging, “And hope sprouts new, because God doesn’t give us a list. He invites us into the story.”  

When I find myself spinning in to-do lists, it helps to remember that God is active in my daily life. He is active in all of our lives. When we pause it is often easier to fully appreciate God’s presence and grace. 

During these last days of Lent, I encourage you to pause. Maybe paint, go for a walk, write in a journal or pray out loud. May God bless you in your time of pause and make himself known to you in new and encouraging ways.