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3 Listening Ideas for Summer Road Trips

Planning a classic summer road trip involves packing, repacking, mapping, and daydreaming about the adventure ahead. In truth, a big part of the fun of it lies in the planning. If long stretches of road are in your future, here are three ideas for creating your custom road trip soundtrack. 

PODCAST: On Being with Krista Tippet

This is one of our favorite podcasts. Consider starting with Krista's interview with Eugene Peterson: “Entering into What Is There.”  Excerpt from Eugene on Hebrew scripture: 

All the prophets were poets. And if you don’t know that, you try to literalize everything and make shambles out of it. A metaphor is a really remarkable kind of formation, because it both means what it says and what it doesn’t say. And so those two things come together, and it creates an imagination which is active. You’re not trying to figure things out; you’re trying to enter into what’s there. 

Additional On Being podcast favorites include Krista’s interviews with Glenn Beck, Martin Sheen, and her unedited conversation with Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant. 

AUDIOBOOK: Martin Luther King, Jr. on Leadership: Inspiration and Wisdom for Challenging Times

Enjoy listening to books read aloud? Here’s an audiobook recommendation on leadership by popular author Donald T. Philips: Martin Luther King Jr. On Leadership: Inspiration and Wisdom for Challenging Times.  Here’s an excerpt from the book offering wise words for all of our road trips: 

Early in the civil rights movement, while still living in Montgomery, Martin flew to the Atlanta airport to meet with several high-ranking officials of other civil rights organizations. Just before they were about to begin their discussions, a porter who was sweeping the floor pulled Martin aside and engaged him in a conversation. After waiting for fifteen minutes one of the executives complained to another that he hadn’t traveled “A thousand miles to sit and wait while [King] talked to a porter.” The other shot back: “Well, when the day comes that he stops having time to talk to a porter – on that day I will not have the time to come one mile to see him.” 

Martin Luther King Jr. On Leadership: Inspiration and Wisdom for Challenging Times, by Donald T. Phillips, excerpt from print edition pages 217-218.

APP: Hoopla

Check out the Hoopla App which connects your public library card to a myriad of digital content. It’s a groundbreaking digital media service offered by public libraries to allow the borrowing of movies, music, audiobooks, eBooks, comics and TV shows. 

Last week, twice in one day, both a seminary professor and a trusted mentor mentioned having recently read J.D. Vance’s book, Hillbilly Elegy. Duly noted, I was delighted to find the audiobook on Hoopla. Note: I’m nearly half way through the book and want to warn blog readers that the book’s language is "colorful" and not suitable for all audiences. 

What's on YOUR play list?