A Prayer for Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday Prayers of the People 

O God, from whose eyes the measure of our faith is not hidden, wrench from us now all religiosity, all rules and regulations from our scheduled selves that separate us from your Holy Spirit. 

Your mercy endures forever. 

O God, who calls each of us by name to be the church, give us love enough to make a difference, give us vision enough to follow, give us endurance enough to hold steadfast in the face of the unholy. 

Your steadfast love endures forever. 

O God, who claims us as disciples, bless us now and touch us with your holiness that we might have commitment enough to be good news to the poor and to all who suffer this day. 

Your blessing endures forever. 

O God of the bruised, we pray for healing. Comfort those who cry in dark corners; the lonely, the strangers, the weary, the fearful, the disappointed, the anxious, the depressed, the forsaken, the dispirited, the grieving, and those who lie in sickness and in pain. 

O Lamb of God, have mercy on us!

O God who wept over Jerusalem, open our eyes to those around us who scream in silence the depth of their despair. O God of compassion heal our hard hearts to tenderness.  

O Lamb of God, have mercy on us!

Of God of the oppressed, fire us with justice that we might proclaim liberty to the captives. O God who gave us the rainbow and parted the Red Sea, we dare to pray for miracles, especially we pray this day for all who suffer in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Bless patient, bless medical providers, essential workers, and the unemployed; bless all who mourn. 

O Lamb of God, have mercy on us!

Hear us now as share together in the prayer your Son, Jesus our Lord taught us saying, Our Father in heaven, holy is your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread. And forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation. But deliver us from evil. For yours is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever. Amen. 


Text in italics is from Ann Weems poem "Have Mercy on Us" from Kneeling in Jerusalem: Poetry for Lent and Easter, by Ann Weems, Westminster Press, 1993. Non italic text is mine. Bold text are themes from Psalm 136 and may be read responsibly.